## PATCH CHANGELOG: ## v18 : Fixed some SQL injection vulnerabilities. When using fopen( ) to open a file, the file should be closed again using fclose( ). Fixed. ## v17 : Now also compatible with PHP 4. ## v16 : 1. Replaced all & with & - as required by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). 2. There was a line of code where I had to replace the & and | logical operators with the correct && and || 3. Can now select 2 years in the past (instead of only 1) in the year drop down menu. 4. Made some minor changes to the calendar's Admin Control Panel. 5. Some tidy-ups of the code. ## v15 : 1. Fixed a bug in the 'Week view's' mini calendars. For example: previously, when displaying the first week in the year 2010, the wrong year's mini calendars were displayed. 2. Made changes in which mini calendars are displayed when editing events. Now the mini calendar months closest to the date of the event you are editing is shown. Previously the months closest to the current date were shown. 3. All pages now valid XHTML 1.0 Strict. 4. Some tidy-ups of the code. ## v14 : 1. Fixed bug in the display of Events and Post/Topics in the 'Week view'. Previously Events and Post/Topics falling on certain dates were not being displayed in the 'Week view'. The 'week numbers' and the 'first day in the week', when given a 'week number' and 'year', are now calculated correctly using the correct ISO 8601 standard (as used in php). It states that: "The first week of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday of a year.". Thanks to twohawks for providing details about this bug, as mentioned here: http://www.punres.net/viewtopic.php?pid=25284#p25284 2. Fixed 'Previous week' and 'Next week' navigation links on the 'Week view' page. 3. Date of Posts/Topics in the 'Month view' and 'Week view' now reflects user's time zone. Previously the forum's server time zone (as set in the admin cp) was used. 4. Fixed last post link, shown when viewing topics made on a specific calendar day. There was missing "p", (e.g:36#36 -> 36#p36). 5. Added a missing 'type' attribute (whether you're looking at Events or Posts/Topics) to the 'last week of the month' link in the 'Month view'. ## v13 : 1. Made a style correction to the 'Week view' page. Previously the table would not adjust to 100% width in Firefox3. 2. Replaced the birthday icon with a new icon. (I didn't like the old icon) 3. Changed the way birthdays are displayed in the calendar 'Month view' and 'Week view'. 4. Made many changes to the English lang file - to be more in keeping with the punbb way of display text, e.g. 'Current month' instead of 'Current Month'. 5. Fixed a bug which caused the 'No birthdays' message not to be displayed on days with no birthdays (when browsing birthdays in the 'Day view'). 6. Made some minor changes to the calendar's Admin Control Panel. ## v12 : Fixed a bug in the mini calendars - which limited the number of birthdays that could be displayed in it (as a highlighted day with link) to a single birthday. Thanks to Levak for spotting this. Fixed a spelling mistake in the English lang file. ## v11 : Added the attribute rel="nofollow" to some links to prevent bots and spiders from trying to crawl all the dynamically generated calendar pages. ## v10 : Made a style correction to the 'Event view' page. Previously the cell width would be incorrect with short event titles in ie6. Now remembers your display type (events or posts) when browsing weeks in the 'Week view'. Made some corrections to the English lang file. For example when selecting a date that does not exist when making calendar entries, the wrong error message was displayed. ## v9 : Current day highlighting in the mini calendars now also reflects the user's local timezone. Made a small modification to the 'Event view' style layout ('left align' last row of table). ## v8 : 1. Removed PBB Gallery integration. (allowed one to displays Gallery Posts if PBB Gallery was installed - but removed this since it was not working on some configurations) 2. Fixed Birthdays and 'Post/Event' display bugs in 'Week view' as mentioned here: http://www.punres.net/viewtopic.php?pid=19257#p19257 and here: http://www.punres.net/viewtopic.php?pid=19287#p19287 . Thanks to Lyconide for fixing these bugs. 3. Made corrections in the English Calendar lang file. Also added 3 additional entries: 'added_by', 'big_body' and 'big_title'. 4. Set limit of event title to 50 characters instead of 80. Inserted a check to see if title is <50 characters after submit. 5. Limit post size to 20479 characters (20KB). There was no limit set on post size before - although MySQL has the limit set to 65535 characters (65535 character string max). Also added javascript to limit post size to 20479 characters (20KB) - ie won't be able to enter more characters in text area after reaching the limit (script counts the number of characters you type into text area). 6. Modified the 'event view' layout - thanks to seesaw. 7. Modified the navigation bar below the 'event view' table to only include 'previous' day and 'next day' (displaying previous year, month, week etc unnecessary) - this modification thanks to seesaw 8. Input sanitisation and tidy-ups of the code - thanks to seesaw. 9. Now when clicking on events in the 'Week view' - you view all events of that day (like what you get when clicking on events in the 'Month view') instead of viewing the selected event only. 10. Made navigating and editing/deleting events on the 'Edit Event' page much more user-friendly. For example: previously, when editing/deleting an event on page 4 - it would redirect back to page 1. Now it will redirect back to the page you were working on. ## v7 : Fixed style issues on add/edit event pages (thanks to seesaw). Before, when you view the add/edit event window in a smaller browser window, the input boxes and text were thrown all over the place. (see with mini calendars switched off). Fixed 'Number of posts to display per page' on 'Edit Event' page problem for non-admin users ## v6 : Made the calendar compatible with the Easy BBCode mod ## v5 : Changed add/edit event pages to use a drop down menu for years. (thanks to seesaw for this idea). Now you must choose a year - instead of entering a year in a text box (this prevents you for example from entering 324 or -654 for a year) Fixed spelling mistakes in the calendar's Admin Control Panel ## v4 : Added intval() function for $_POST['event_id'] in database queries Fixed problem with moderator permissions ## v3 : Made a small change to the mini calendar ## v2 : Added style sheet modification for 'current day' link colour ## v1 : Initial release. The initial release included the following changes: 1. Now you can add an event by just clicking on the date in the main calendar view. The wishlist/'to do list' said that this must be added to the 'Six Calendar display' on the 'Add Event' page - which I don't agree with (there won't be enough space left for event link). 2. Fixed week display problem as mentioned by twohawks here: http://www.punres.net/viewtopic.php?pid=14312#p14312 . The solution is very simple and won't affect the rest of the calendar. (see steps 8 and 9 below). 3. After adding an event you will now be redirected to the month in which the added event falls in, instead of being redirected to the current month. This will allow you confirm whether the event was added correctly. 4. Fixed: Admin can now edit all event posts. Configurable for moderators. Also adds a 'Username' column to the Edit Event table for Admin. 5. Messages shown on the Edit Event page now use BBCode 6. Security fix: Sanitizes input data inserted into database. Now you can use BBCode for calendar event entries. 7. Added BBCode, [img] tag and Smilies indicators below the textarea of add/edit event pages - as shown below the text area when making posts in the punbb forum. 8. Security fix: With Calendar-2.0.8a beta users without 'Add Event' permission could still add them if they knew the page address for editing events. This problem fixed with this patch. 9. Fixed highlighting for Main Calendar and Mini Calendars. Now Current day highlighting color will overwrite event and birthday highlighting. Birthday highlighting will overwrite Event Highlighting. Previously event highlighting would overwrite current day highlighting and Birthday highlighting. 10. Current day highlighting now reflects the user's local timezone 11. Can now toggle 'show Birthdays in the Calendar' on and off in the Admin control panel. 12. Fixed typo as mentioned by Vanslyde here: http://www.punres.net/viewtopic.php?pid=15058#p15058